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Home ≫ Elke Ulrike Schlegel
Nothing is too hard for the one who loves.

My Name is Elke Ulrike Schlegel
I have been running my practice as an alternative practitioner for psychotherapy since 1995 (over 29 years)


Now there was a quicker return than expected: on 28 April 2024 , my husband Ralf, our cocker dog Franzi and I permanently ‘migrated’ back to Germany, to our home turf - back to the district of Biberach, to the Federsee area near Bad Buchau. Our new address is: Eggatsweiler Str.16, 88348 Allmannsweiler. All other details remain the same.

Originally, we wanted to live in our new home in Greece for several years or even forever. We had settled in fully in Finikounda, found out everything you need for everyday life (offices, habits, errands...), took a language course and had all kinds of experiences. Now, after more than 2 years, home has called us in the form of many phone calls, emails ... Family, friends and clients had been saying for some time how nice it would be if we came back and that we had left quite a gap. This ‘call’ really picked up speed last Christmas. I could no longer close my ears and my heart to it. Being longed for in this way has enormous pulling power. So we decided to move back and leave our ‘Greek second home’. However, the teary eyes are at least as big as the smiles. Especially because we are leaving behind a gigantic paradise! House, garden (more like a park), beach, sun, nature... and lots of people who have become friends. We were able to live all of this... and bring it back to our German homeland in our hearts and minds! We have let go of our house in Finikounda, on the Peloponnese peninsula in Greece, and everything we had built up there.

In Germany, Ralf and I found and bought a new house that took our hearts by storm. It's a hit ... made to make many visitors feel welcome. It's over 120 years old, has a beautiful large garden with a stable (even though we don't have any horses), is right on the edge of a field in the Federsee nature reserve, is absolutely peaceful and relaxing and has been completely renovated with a lot of love and energy. It shines in all its splendour!!! With a large seminar room, practice rooms and also fully equipped for overnight guests. So if someone is travelling from further away for a seminar, they can also stay overnight for a small fee.

From now on I am available for consultations in person (as usual) or now also via Whats-App video/telephone. I am also resuming my previous seminar work (meditation courses, constellation days, other seminars...) and hypnosis sessions. You can find all this under ‘Dates’. We can still be contacted for bookings or enquiries via the usual e-mail address, as well as by mobile phone +49-151-70628941.

We look forward to seeing you!

NEWS: the next constellation Saturdays for August and October 2024 are already fixed. Also dates for meditation course. You can find both under ‘Dates’. My husband Ralf is also active again with shamanic treatments and massages. wieder aktiv.

Big hugs from Elke and Ralf

More Information:

Ralf Schlegel, Shamanic Healing Art

My Services:

Systemische Therapie

Systemic Therapy

Family constellations (individual/groups)
Symptom constellations
Organisational constellations




Medical hypnotherapy
Certified since 2012


Mental- und Motivations-training

Mental and motivational training

for private individuals or companies (individuals/group seminars)




for companies, associations, organisations, healing professions


Coaching und Vorträge

Coaching and lectures

for companies, associations, organisations, schools


Autorin / freie Journalistin

Author / freelance journalist

you can find my books on the book page
