What is Hypnosis
While our conscious mind is responsible for analytical thinking and decision-making, our subconscious mind controls all good and bad habits, imprints, fears or beliefs. Even before you think you have made a conscious decision, your subconscious has already done so. It takes an enormous amount of strength and discipline to consciously resist your inner habits or beliefs permanently. Or don't you know the frustrating feeling when, despite even the greatest willful effort, you have once again failed to refrain from doing something that you already knew would harm you.
This is exactly where hypnosis comes in: It seeks and finds the way into the "innermost", into the closed chambers that often influence our lives so undesirably. It opens the doors in a gentle, cautious way (only if your inner self really wants this !) and lets a new way of seeing, behaving or living flow in.
Likewise, hypnosis is able to transport long-buried experiences or experiences back into consciousness in order to be able to heal and solve them. It can also help our immune system and the all-natural inner "healer" to fully develop and increase health, performance and stability.
Clarification of hypnosis fallacies
Over the years, an image of hypnosis has been spread through the media, which is about as contrary to the actual effect and process of a serious hypnosis session/therapy as the desert is to the ocean. Show hypnosis and scary lore cause a lot of confusion.
Hypnosis Misconception 1: Restriction of free will
Hypnosis is not aimed at restricting free will and also does not switch off consciousness. So I cannot "ask" your PIN number or any personal secrets out of you during hypnosis, unless you would have voluntarily given me this information even while awake.
Likewise, no one can be hypnotized against their will or without their knowledge. The symbiotic and trusting cooperation of client/patient and hypnotist are prerequisites for an effective hypnosis session. This connection is called "rapport", an invisible bond of trust and cooperation, so to speak. The hypnotist is therefore not "above" the client, but seeks cooperation at eye level.
Hypnosis misconception 2: "I won't wake up"
Basically, this sentence is even true, because you were not asleep. It has never happened that a person did not come back from hypnosis into his normal state of consciousness. Nevertheless, the word "sleep" is also often used by therapists or doctors to describe the state of deep physical and mental relaxation (also trance). It is precisely this state that makes therapeutic hypnosis so pleasant.
Certification as a clinical hypno-therapist
Hypnosis is now a recognized method for all physical illnesses, such as pain relief, preparation for surgery, healing improvement/accelerated healing for injuries or after surgery, mental and psychological illnesses, addition to ongoing medical treatments after consultation with attending physician, etc.
A distinction must be made between topics from the everyday sphere of life and mental or physical illnesses (medical background). The former may be practiced by a hypnosis coach (without therapeutic recognition), the latter only by a hypnosis therapist (with a state-recognized degree in psychotherapy or by physicians).
Areas of application for hypnosis:
In general, the following is a list of suggestions of possible topics and areas where hypnosis can be effective:
- Changing disruptive thought patterns and habits
- Quit smoking
- Release tensions
- Dissolving self-limitations
- Increase in self-esteem (self-confidence)
- Reorientation in life (turning points)
- Improvement of the ability to relate
- Decision making (career, partnership, major changes)
- Release exam anxiety
- Learning and performance enhancement (pupils, students, athletes, managers, etc.)
- Relaxation in all situations (deep relaxation after periods of stress)
- Relaxation during pregnancy
- Fear solution before visiting the dentist
- Developing personal strength
- Coping with great grief (grief work)
- Conflict resolution in systemic structures (family disputes, mobbing, etc.)
- Change of perspective (new, constructive view of one's own situation)
- Free access to all internal resources
- Memory training, improvement of memory performance
- Finding your own inner nutrition plan (listening again to what your body is saying)
- Weight reduction (as long as there is no pathological cause)
- Attract good things in life ("Law of Attraction")
- Help with listlessness, burnout, inner restlessness
- Release of inner insecurity or exaggerated shyness
- Strengthening fluency
- Fear solution before public appearance
- Help with excessive demands
- Finding solutions for important decisions, goal and helplessness
- Concentration training
- Motivation of any kind (to learn, to exercise, etc.)
- Release guilt
- Support self-healing powers, strengthen immune system
- Sports mental coaching, sports hypnosis (also for group sports)
- Help for leaders (bosses, supervisors) in leading employees or teams
- Activation of own creativity
- Recovering the inner balance
Procedure of a hypnosis session
After a detailed analysis meeting, in which we discuss your concerns, your current life situation and your personal background, I will lead you into hypnosis in a quiet, relaxed environment. All this is also possible via Whats-App video!
During the session you will be able to hear everything clearly, you will not be will-less or unconscious. Most certainly you will not do or say anything you are not ready to do. You are able to end the hypnosis yourself, should it be necessary. My job is to offer the concerns discussed with you in the induction text to your subconscious mind in a positive, relaxed way that is goal-oriented. If you are ready for this deep inside (and only then!) your subconscious/inner self will accept the new thoughts, feelings and circumstances and will do everything to bring them into everyday life for you, to find solutions for your problems and worries or to take new paths more appropriate to your true nature.
Nor am I able to change your deep-rooted values and morals. Your natural inner wisdom knows very well what you need and will do everything to implement this for you - if you let it.
We are only successful if you have been able to build trust in me and my expertise, and if I can guide and accompany you.
What to do when hypnosis does not work as desired
Don't worry, then no one is "to blame." Rather, it is possible that your issue is even more deeply rooted and problematic than you thought (possibly unconscious childhood traumas, repressed fears, etc.). In this case, several sessions would be necessary to guide you to resolution according to your rhythm. In extreme cases, a disease may also be the cause of your original concern and in this case you should consult your doctor.
Now and then it happens that you cannot/won't accept the suggestions (yet). Then they are rejected and there is no change.
Remember: The only person who can really help you get better is you! No one else can take on this responsibility for you. Only you determine your feelings and reactions - even if people around you "make life difficult" for you.
This is exactly the miracle I wish you on your way to yourself!
With "wonderful" regards
Elke Schlegel
More details on request by phone or email via the contact page.
Elke Ulrike Schlegel (Hagel)
Psychotherapist (according to §1 para. 1 HPG)
Medical hypnotherapist
Systemic therapist
I look forward to hearing from you:
Phone: +49 151-7062-8941
E-Mail: elkeulrikeschlegel@web.de
Eggatsweiler Straße 16
88348 Allmannsweiler