Elke Ulrike Schlegel
I was born in May 1965 in the small Swabian town of Biberach a.d. Riß as the youngest of four children. The rural environment and the farming of my grandparents and aunts shaped my love for animals and nature and respect for creation at an early age. Even as a child, I accompanied my father on hunts, where his primary goal was to open my heart and senses to the beauty of nature - but also to train my understanding of the eternal die and become. This intimate and down-to-earth connection to the eternal course of things shaped my view of life today. Some things are the way they are - and some things can be changed. In order to recognize this, humility before existence, courage to act and patience and strength are needed to endure difficult life situations or to change them when the right time has come.

Already at a young age I was shaped and formed by some very heavy strokes of fate - which has probably contributed significantly to my current view of life and the interaction with people and nature. Many difficult years of searching and spiritual darkness followed, but behind everything they always showed me the chance for change and a new beginning. Sometimes you have to dive deep to discover the beauty "under water".
Already as a child I possessed an (inherited) intuitive view of events, developments and structures. I could dive deeply into people and events with my perception and had strong premonitions. When I realized that this clairvoyance was not "normal", dealing with it as a child and teenager made me feel very insecure.
Over the years, I trained this disposition intensively in order to use it helpfully and responsibly. Today it is part of my natural way of dealing with people in my practice and my environment and expands my work enormously.
After my graduation, 13 years of professional odyssey followed. Various vocational trainings and jobs, among others in public administration, at the bank, press and as an insurance specialist, marked the years of learning and searching. After a serious life crisis came the turning point. In my search for myself and the meaning of this life, I encountered many things that fascinated me at first, but which I later had to file away under "nonsense". But I also found meaningful help from a few people whose hearts and minds were really open - and I began to rely on my own inner voice with their support, to search for my own personal path. This is described in detail in my book "Storm in the Soul".
After various training and further education, I began working as a life coach, coach and meditation teacher in 1995. I took a training in energy work, I am a numerologist and since 1998 I have been working as a systemic constellator and since then I have been leading monthly family constellations, but also individual constellations in my daily consultations.
with the specialties of medical hypnotherapy (certif.)
and Systemic Family Therapy (Constellations).
I work depth-psychologically on the blind spots of the subconscious and hidden imprints and structures, accompany on the individual, spiritual path and teach in meditation, spirituality and nature experiences. In addition, I give lectures (also in companies) about my fields of knowledge (e.g. hypnosis, current topics such as burnout syndrome, family systemics, etc.).
One of my most important helpers in the practice is my therapy dog Franzi. The Cocker Spaniel bitch has completed a state-approved training as a therapy dog with great success. Her tasks include comforting, approaching all people in an open and friendly manner and simply giving closeness and love. She is very cuddly and affectionate and enjoys every stroke intensively. Should a visitor nevertheless have a basic fear of dogs, Franzi is of course excluded from therapy.
In 2006, I finally realized a lifelong dream: My first book "Sturm in der Seele" was successfully published. Since then I have also been active as an author and freelance journalist and have published two more books: "Die Alte vom Berg" and "Praktikum als Schutzengel". In addition, a meditation CD can be purchased from me, which I had professionally recorded and produced in a studio.
„Elke Ulrike Schlegel“.
My husband Ralf's work is a wonderful complement to my practice. He practices the shamanic healing arts and is also active in the practice. In addition, he trains in shamanism and also holds seminars.
We are actively involved in nature and animal conservation and are committed to the preservation and sustainable, responsible use of our environment.
Seit April 2022 leben wir überwiegend in unserem Haus in Griechenland, Finikounda/Peloponnes. Unser Erstwohnsitz ist dennoch weiterhin in Deutschland/Landkreis Biberach. Denn dort sind unsere Wurzeln.

Elke Ulrike Schlegel (Hagel)
Psychotherapist (according to §1 para. 1 HPG)
Medical hypnotherapist
Systemic therapist
I look forward to hearing from you:
Phone: +49 151-7062-8941
E-Mail: elkeulrikeschlegel@web.de
Eggatsweiler Straße 16
88348 Allmannsweiler